Changing Childhoods exists to ignite a movement—one where passionate educators, parents, and visionaries step forward to redefine what learning looks like for the next generation.

Hybrid schools aren’t just an alternative; they are the future of education—dynamic, adaptable, and deeply rooted in community. Some are launched within established school systems, churches, or businesses. But more often than not, they begin as a grassroots initiative—driven by parents and teachers who see a need and dare to do something about it.

But vision alone isn’t enough. The journey from idea to impact is filled with challenges—legal structures, budgeting, staffing, facilities—critical foundations that can make or break a school before it even begins. And too often, passionate founders find themselves lost in the maze of logistics instead of focusing on what truly matters: the students.

That’s where we come in. Changing Childhoods is here to bridge the gap between vision and reality. We equip everyday entrepreneurs—people like you—with the knowledge, tools, and resources to build a thriving hybrid school without getting stuck in the weeds. We simplify the process, cutting through the complexity, so you can launch with confidence and spend less time searching for answers—and more time shaping the future of education.

Because when we make it easier for changemakers to launch schools, we create more opportunities for children to thrive. And that’s a future worth building.